About the UK Wild Otter Trust
We were founded in 2006 and become a UK registered charity (1167746) in 2016, our core activity is rescuing, rehabilitating & releasing back into the wild, orphaned & injured Eurasian otters. We’re dedicated to promoting a positive understanding of otters. You can find our charity timeline, aims, approach and campaigns below.

Our Aims
We’re dedicated to promoting a positive understanding of otter conservation, and raising awareness of the species through education, involvement, and engagement. We aim to:
Work towards otter welfare in the UK, and assist with species conservation – both alone and in collaboration with other groups.
Work with other otter groups and angling bodies to research and improve our understanding of otter biology and ecology.
Engage with, support, advise, negotiate with, and maintain stable relationships with fishery owners and anglers.
Stay aware of current and future changes that may affect the otter, and to be prepared to lobby for change.
Promote responsible otter watching to minimise and prevent any unnecessary disturbance to otters and their shelters.
Raise awareness of the species and its habitats via talks, walks, printed literature, and other outreach initiatives.