Thank you for supporting our volunteer run charity. We have several options for donating below.
At the bottom of the page you can find our current campaigns that you can donate to.
Donate Via PayPal
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Donate Via Stripe
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Make your donation go further with Gift Aid
Through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, UK Wild Otter Trust can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate if you’re a UK taxpayer. You can increase the value of your donations to us by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself!
Donate Via Our Online Shop
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Our Campaigns
Donate to our new rehabilitation centre
Our new centre will act as a sister site to our current centre and will not only be a place for the rehabiliation of rescued otters, but will also have strong elements of sustainability and biodiversity.
Donate to help us install caution otter crossing signs
Road fatalities often don’t only affect one otter, when a female is hit, she may be leaving behind cubs that depend on her for survival. At the UK Wild Otter Trust, we have already rescued cubs this year that were found near a deceased female on a roads around the UK. Prevention is key for this threat to otters!