“Nutty by Nature” is a vibrant art print based on an original abstract painting by Tara Roskell that captures the cheeky spirit of a red squirrel. With bold magentas and oranges set against a soft, pale blue background, this piece uses layered textures and collaged words to add depth and personality. Hidden words peek through the artwork, enhancing its lively, modern style.
Part of a larger collection of British wildlife art.
Printed on 250gms uncoated card stock, offering a high-quality finish.
Unmounted and Unframed.
Available in three sizes:
- A5 (14.8cm x 21cm): £14
- A4 (21cm x 29.7cm): £24
- A3 (29.7cm x 42cm): £36
Please note: Your order details will be sent to artist Tara Roskell who will post the artwork to you. Your information will not be shared with anyone else.
Artist Bio
Artist Tara Roskell is based in Northamptonshire, UK. Her passion lies in painting abstract: faces, animals, and night city scenes.
Tara not only sells her art online but also showcases her work at a local gallery and exhibitions.
For six years, Tara co-hosted an art podcast, which provided a platform to inspire creativity and encourage participation in artistic challenges. Although the podcast is no longer active, the accompanying website and Facebook Group remain available as a resource for artists and creatives.
In 2021, Tara and her co-host were honoured to be speakers at Adobe’s Creativity Conference, Adobe Max, where they were filmed discussing art and creativity.
Tara has also co-authored two articles for Leisure Painter Magazine on the topics of art and creativity.