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Volunteer Policy

Date of last review: 20/12/2023


Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society and the community: the environment of individuals outside one’s immediate family. It is undertaken freely and by choice without concern for financial gain. 

UK Wild Otter Trust (UKWOT) takes responsibility for ensuring that volunteers within its own organisation are appropriately involved, valued for their contribution and respected as colleagues. 


In adopting this volunteer policy UKWOT wishes to: 

  • Formally acknowledge and support the role of volunteers in its work 
  • Set out the principles governing the involvement of volunteers and provide a set of guidelines to ensure good practice in working with volunteers 
  • Encourage and enable, rather than restrict, the involvement of volunteers. 


This volunteer policy and accompanying guidelines are intended for use by UKWOT volunteers, trustees and students (referred to in this document as volunteers). 


Volunteer Policy Statement 

Equal Opportunities 

UKWOT is committed to a policy of equal opportunities. This principle will apply to service delivery, recruitment, promotion, training, facilities, procedures and all terms and conditions. 

Volunteers will be expected to adhere to UKWOT’s Equal Opportunities Policy, a copy of which can be found at UKWOT’s rehabilitation centre or a copy can be requested from Dave Webb or Summer Hales. 

Recruitment & Selection 

  • Recruitment of volunteers will be from all sections of the community, and will be in line with UKWOT’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Appropriate targeting may be used. 

Information & Training 

  • Volunteers will receive full information about their chosen area of work and will be given a clear idea of their responsibilities. 
  • Volunteers will be given induction and training in the specific tasks to be undertaken. 
  • Volunteers will be consulted in decisions which affect them. 

Support & Supervision 

  • Volunteers will be assigned a named contact person for supervision and support. 


  • UKWOT recognises that problems do arise and we aim to identify and resolve these problems at the earliest stage. Volunteers who have a problem of any kind should discuss it in the first instance with their named contact person.  
  • Further information can be found in the charity’s grievance procedure.  


  • Volunteers must adhere to UKWOT’s confidentiality policy.  

Expenses & Insurance 

  • UKWOT are unable to provide financial remuneration for any work, travel costs or associated costs in any way. Food will be provided daily as will tea, coffee & cold drinks and ice creams in the summer months. We have a telephone on site that volunteers are welcome to use FOC as the mobile signal is not always great.  
  • Volunteers will be adequately covered by insurance while carrying out agreed duties. 

Health and Safety 

  • All volunteers expected to adhere to the charity’s health and safety policies.  
  • There are first aid facilities on site. UKWOT’s CEO Dave Webb is a first aider. 
  • UWKOT’s specialist otter rehabilitation centre is a completely no smoking site. 


  • On the basis of their voluntary work, volunteers will have the right to request a reference. 

Monitoring & Evaluation 

  • UKWOT will systemically monitor and evaluate its involvement of volunteers with reference to this Volunteer Policy. 



This policy comes into force on (January 2024) and UKWOT commits itself to review the policy as and when changes in legislation or other factors make this necessary. The policy will be subject to a comprehensive review two years after its introduction.