We’ve had an influx of otter cubs over the past three weeks and with the heavy rain, we wanted to remind people what to do if you unfortunately come across a cub. 🦦
If you find a cub that you think has been abandoned please call us for advice. Please do not touch the otter prior to getting advice from us, as very often the mother will leave them for several hours before returning. 🦦
Our experienced team will then offer advice based on the information given. We will then advise if the animal needs to be moved. 🦦
If you have found an otter, it is time-critical to get the animal to the best possible place for care. The first few hours can make the difference of life or death to these vulnerable mammals. Please call the contact below – advice will then be given over the phone after asking a few basic questions about the specific animal and scenario. 🦦
Once we have spoken to you and have decided that the cub needs rescuing then we will make arrangements for the otter to be collected from you. We have contacts around the UK, they work with us in rescuing otter cubs, including RSPCA centres, experienced wildlife rehabilitaters and vets. 🦦
Please remember that otters do NOT make good pets and require very specialist care. They are protected under the law and must be taken to a reputable rescue centre. 🦦
All of our orphaned cubs are released, fully fit, back into the wild after a year-long rehabilitation program. By contacting us and following our advice you will have played a vital role in this process for which we will be ever-grateful! 🦦
Who to contact –
Dave Webb (UKWOT founder)
01769 580621
Colin Seddon (Director Of Otter Welfare And Rehabilitation)
07759 809667
Together we can give orphaned otter cubs a chance of survival. 💕