Last week we were delighted to release Ouse, Delta and Mist back into the wild. They were rescued as individual tiny cubs and we introduced them to each other, so that they could go through their rehabilitation together. Their rehabilitation process couldn’t have gone better and we are so happy to see these three back in the wild where they belong. Pictured you can see Ouse with a fish, Delta coming out of their holt and Mist deciding whether to come out or not. π¦¦
When we release rehabilitated otters back into the wild, we use our tried & tested release methods which include; hard release, support feeding at site, their familiar holt to give confidence, and post monitoring for as long as the animal decides it wants to stay in the release area. We let the otter(s) decide when they are ready to explore the natural world of their new home in the wild. They are left to integrate into the wild naturally and thus far, we enjoy a 100% success rate using this methodology. π¦¦
Watching rehabilitated otters go back into the wild is the best part of what we do and we couldn’t do it without your kind support. π