We would like to say an enormous thank you to Wickes Community Programme and Grant Westfield Multipanel.
Our Trustee Chris Hicks recently got in touch with Wickes to ask if they could assist with supplying much needed shower panels for our otter hospital and cub rooms. From word go they embraced our aim and came together to donate over 70 top-notch panels with all the adhesive needed completely free! Saving our charity a substantial amount of funds. They even kindly had it delivered to us!
The shower panels allow us to easily wash them down and keep them sterile, which aids us in keeping the cubs in the best of health. These shower panels will be used in the otter buildings at our existing site and the remainder will be used in the creation of the new otter buildings on our new land.
We cannot thank both Wickes Community Programme and Grant Westfield Multipanel enough for their support and tenacity in making this all happen for us so smoothly. We would like to give a special thank you to Rebecca Aldridge, Liam McMahon and Hannah Randle Hocking at Wickes and Keely Greehalgh at Grant Westfield for their help, teamwork and communication. You have all been amazing!