Fencing Discount
We have a partnership with WireFence (https://www.wirefence.co.uk/) to provide fisheries and others wanting to protect their water bodies from otter predation with a 5% discount on otter proof fencing. This discount is only available after consultation with UKWOT CEO Dave Webb and only available for specific products. At the UK Wild Otter Trust we understand the impact otters can have on fish stock and are dedicated to developing prevention strategies with fishery owners. If you need any advice or assistance please don’t hesitate to contact Dave Webb via otters@ukwot.org.
Here at UKWOT, we take otter predation very seriously. We want to do our bit to help and support those affected and as such we have produced a helpful but comprehensive fencing guide for all to use/implement FOC. This guide has been produced from hours spent watching, monitoring otters, and visiting fisheries that are fenced. We want to educate that fencing should not be seen as an expensive option but rather an important part of essential business plans. Many of the fencing specs around are not 100% effective and we often see 45 degree outward overhangs as an example – an otter will climb that at ease!
From our studies, we have found that 90% of issues with predation at fenced waters are because of poor maintenance of very expensive fence constructions, but this need not be the case. It is SO important that once the fence is up, that you walk it every day to check for other species digging such as rabbits, badgers etc as otters will exploit any weakness in the fence and possibly gain entrance. We hope that the guides will help you and we are always available to talk through or even visit your sites to give impartial, free but effective advice to help you to protect your valuable assets.
Remember, we are here to help and we NEVER charge for this service!
We can be contacted on 07866 462820 or 01769 580621. Email: otters@ukwot.org