On 27th January sisters Tracey and Karen were hiking in Rutland and spotted a tiny otter struggling in a lake. The sisters found a net nearby and were able to get him out of the water and wrap him in a coat. He looked very poorly and was hardly responsive. They didn’t have a car with them and were only visiting the area so another member of public drove them to the local vets. 💔
Vet Emma at Rutland Veterinary Centre gave the tiny otter emergency care and by the evening he had improved greatly and was paddling in a little bowl. You can really see how tiny he was! 💕
Once he was stable he was moved to RSPCA East Winch Wildlife Centre. Manton arrived to our Specialist Otter Rehabilitation Centre on Friday 10th February in the evening. He is eating well and weighs 1.85kg. Today (Sunday) our founder Dave Webb is starting an introduction between Manton and another young cub recently rescued from Dudley. 🦦
Manton is very lucky that Tracey and Karen spotted him, they definitely saved his life! Thank you so much. 💕
We would also like to say thank you Emma and all the staff at Rutland Veterinary Centre for the emergency care they provided for Manton. 🦦
Thank you to all the staff at RSPCA East Winch for caring for Manton. 💕
Without working together for the benefit of these charismatic mammals, they probably wouldn’t survive. 🦦
Donate here to contribute to Manton’s care – https://ukwildottertrust.org/donate/
Photo credit: @brownie71812